We Create Ltd / Warren Crawford / Senior Visual Designer


fashion, graphic design, logo, music


AUDIO MOGUL is a record label and electronic music education company based in Ibiza. They engaged me to create their brand and logotype for their first release and line of clothing.

Preliminary sketches

Preliminary sketches

I always start with pen and paper, as it’s the quickest means of developing an idea . And it means that you can go and sit by the sea, and think first.

First draft

First draft

I wanted the design to fit a record label, and a circle was the obvious choice. The client said that his musical journey had been akin to climbing a mountain: the A and the M formed a peak in my mind.

Revise and refine

Revise and refine

I took that one idea and ran with it

final design

final design

Clean. Bold. Simple. Memorable.

logo only

logo only

Eye catching design and colours, free of type: draw attention while retaining a sense of mystery about the label

Final logotype

Final logotype

The peak at Benirrás was the only choice of backdrop